RD14 MXGP of Trentino (ITA1) easy reference list of race by race result points & salary to help simplify your 6 rider hiring process. If you're not already playing, get in on these final 6 rounds of World dirt bike racing.

One can only watch so much football. Our Frodaddy 21MXGP game is FREE! #fantasymxgp 

1st-25, 2nd-22, 3rd-20, 4th-18, 5th-16, 6th-15, 7th-14, 8th-13, 9th-12, 10th-11, 11th-10, 12th-9, 13th-8, 14th-7, 15th-6, 16th-5, 17th-4, 18th-3, 19th-2, 20th-1.